


Why does my application decode okay in debug mode on iOS but not in release mode?

You’re compiling with an old version of llvm-gcc or clang. If you use Xcode 4.2, either supported compiler should be fine with optimizations turned on. Older compilers, shipped with Xcode 4.1 and earlier, had an optimization bug in llvm that miscompiled ZXing. If you are using Xcode 4.1 or older, you should use gcc to compile ZXing, not llvm-gcc or clang.

意思应该是说可能使用了老版本的编译器,Xcode4.2之前都存在问题,但我的Xcode已经是4.3了,应该不存在问题,继续搜索其他资料,基本都是英文,但说的也不是很明白,应该是编译器的Optimization问题,后来我将项目引用的ZXingWidget工程的Optimization Level设为None,即-O0,再打AdHoc就没问题了。

具体为选择ZXingWidget工程的Targets中选择Build Setting,将Optimization Level设为None,即下面的Debug和Release都设为None。


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